Sunday, 30 December 2012

1.5. More Questions Than Answers

As she was headed back home after landing the job at MN8, Scheherazade noticed something in the sky above her.

The sky was filled with gorgeous, twinkling lights.

A sense of foreboding filled Scheherazade.
"Uh... Sim-ess... is... is this a new spell Lash learned?"
No, Shera - but if it was i would not be allowed to tell you.  Some people seem to have their calenders a bit off.

A large ship appeared in the sky above Scheherazade.

A blue-green beam of light lanced downwards and Scheherazade struggled to fight the pull as gravity melted away beneath her.  But soon she was within the ship.  She could hear voices outside the cold grey bay she was in.
"Scans show us... DAMMIT!"
"We're too early again."
"What?  Who set the Chronometers this time?"
"They were set before we left the homeworld."
"Shoot.  Well, their calibration is out.  Guess we could drop her back home?"

In a blink of an eye, the ship disappeared.  Soon Scheherazade was unceremoniously dumped outside her home, with yet more questions than answers.

After the night she has had, Scheherazade called one of her good friends, Evie.  Evie was a local witch and tended to keep late hours - something about working skyclad by the light of the moon being best for creating potions.

But when Evie arrived, something about her was different.
"When did you suddenly get so...fat?" Scheherazade gasped, "And it is only on your stomach.  Did something happen with a potion."
"No," laughed Evie, "I have a bun in the oven."  Seeing the look on Scherezade's face she quickly adds, "A baby - there is a baby growing inside of me, want to listen to it?"

Evie thrusts out her belly and Scheherazade places her head against it, not hearing much, but instead feeling a gentle kick against her face.

"There's really a baby inside of you?" Scheherazade asks in disbelief.
"Yes, I am going to be a mother, " Evie explains patiently.
"But how does it work?"

Quite some time later, Scheherazade still has not quite grasped the concept.
"So... a man puts a sausage in the bun - like for a hotdog?"
"No, no... not quite... look - I'll try and explain it later, but I really need to get back.  It'll all make sense later, I promise."
Scheherazade is not so sure about that, but can see that for once, Evie needs her sleep.

That night, her dreams are disturbing.

She is in the dress that Lash gave to her.  Lash is blocking her path.  "You won't escape me.  I have trapped you.  I have cursed you.  If you won't be mine, you won't be anybody's.  And the trappings of your slavery will return when you think you are most free.  You will be mine or you will be alone, ' the mad genie stated calmly before the dream became too disjointed to follow.

Scheherazade woke up in a cold sweat.  That promise, that threat... it had seemed so real.  Perhaps it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

Later that day she went to the Spring festival.  It seemed to be an entire festival dedicated to romance and love.  The words from the previous night ran through her head "You will be mine or you will be alone".  A chill ran up her spine once more.And then she thought about Thomas - that was her first kiss, her only kiss - and Lash had been behind that too.  Would she forever be alone, unless Lash gave her permission otherwise?

Suddenly some booths caught her eye.  Scheherazade saw that they were kissing booths.  People were selling kisses to raise money for charity.  Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to give kissing another go?

Scheherazade paid her Simoleans, leaned forwards and waited.

That wasn't so bad after all.  It was... quite enjoyable.  Maybe, just maybe, if she could kiss the right person, she wouldn't be alone - but how would she find the right person.
"Do you need some help?  I could... always man one of these stands for you?"
"Sure, you can take over the ladies stand - if you are up for it."

Seeing her first "customer" walk up, Scheherazade thought better of the plan and walked off using the rain as an excuse before she had to kiss old man lips.
"It's not a problem, I am just letting that stupid dream get to me... it's nothing.  I should forget about it," Scheherazade consoled herself.

Time rolled on, and soon enough it was time to age up into a full adult.

Scheherazade's small house was bursting at the seams with everybody who wanted to wish her a happy birthday.  Some of her friends, like Ryan, Evie's father had aged a lot more quickly than she had (wizards still had human blood even if they did have magic mixed in) and were excited to see her join them.  Even the aliens had sent a representative to wish her well and see her onto the next stage of her life.

 While her friends cheered, Scheherazade thought about what she wanted for her birthday wish.  "I guess I am not alone after all, not looking at this crowd here," she thought to herself, "But what DO I want?"

The magic sparkles didn't wait for her to make up her mind and soon they enveloped her to edge her along her life path that little further.

"Woooooo!" came the cheer from Scheherazade's left.  Once again, her blood turned cold as she turned and saw Lash.  Lash grinned devilishly, "Yes, I crashed you party doll face.  I meant what I said the other night.  You will be mine or you will be alone.  Isn't that a delightful birthday gift?"  Scheherazade was stunned and Lash walked out as Scheherazade's friends swamped her with well wishes.

That evening, Scheherazade made a phone call.  "Hello, I'd like to book a holiday.  Where is it nice and warm and relaxing?  Shang Simla?  How expensive is that? ... I'll take the next flight.  Tomorrow morning?  Excellent."

Alone in her living room, Scheherazade smiled to herself.  At least she knew what she wanted.  Some time as far away from Lash as possible, where that evil genie could not touch and she would be free for as long as her visa would last.

Generation One: Revealed
Family Structure: ?
Number of children: ?
Primary Income: Mixologist
Secondary Income(s): ?
Generation Goal: ?
Miscellaneous Fun: ?

Random Bonus Shot:

Harry finds Scheherazade's assets quite formidable.


  1. Uh oh! She's being stalked by aliens as well as evil genies! And is running out of time to carry on her legacy! Good luck, 'Shuffleboard' ;)

    I love how an alien appeared at her birthday party, haha! There was a very random mix of occults in that room :)

  2. I think there was some of everything, though the vampires were hanging out outside at the time. >< But there were vampires, fairies, wizards and witches and even the alien. There may have been a distinct lack of "normal" Sims, though.

    Don't worry though. Next chapter she gets a break from being stalked. :)

  3. The look on Scheherezade's face as she listened to Evie's bump is fantastic! Of course, the explanation of a bun in the oven is even better. I can't wait to see what she gets up to in Shang Simla!

  4. Lash seriously creeps me out. I'm glad Sche can get away from her for a bit
